Whither Turkey?

12th October 2021 shoreditchadmin2 0

Now it has become clear that neither Iran nor Syria are going to be toppled, new tectonic shifts are taking place in West Asia and North Africa. What steps will Turkey now take?

Despite the defeats the Labour left can still fight

8th October 2021 shoreditchadmin2 0

The largest scale political and organisational attack on the Labour Party’s left wing since the Second World War is currently unfolding within the party. But despite the defeats that have been suffered the Labour left remains the largest political force engaged in resistance to the Tories’ attacks.

Venezuela and the re-emergence of sovereignty in the Americas

1st October 2021 shoreditchadmin2 0

The US unilateral and illegal sanctions regime remains in place and so does the US government’s commitment to overthrow the Bolivarian process.
The emerging alliances in Latin America and the Caribbean – anchored by Maduro and López Obrador – have already reshaped the hemisphere to the disadvantage of imperialism.