Central and Eastern Europe will lose out by siding with the US against China
Subordination to the US and its goal of undermining China’s connections with the rest of the world comes with a heavy price tag for CEE.
Subordination to the US and its goal of undermining China’s connections with the rest of the world comes with a heavy price tag for CEE.
The Slovakian Presidential election and the deep divisions in Central and Eastern Europe over the US proxy war in Ukraine.
There will be a change of government, but the left’s alignment with the right has caused its vote to slump.
Despite demonstrations of hundreds of thousands of people, Poland has now introduced an almost complete ban on abortion. The population is broadly pro-choice – 69% of Polish people support the Women’s Strike – an organisation that campaigns in defence of abortion rights. The ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party have been intent on banning even the limited abortion rights Poland previously had.
The 2019 Polish parliamentary elections were held on 13 October 2019. All 460 members of the Sejm and 100 senators of the Senate were elected. The ruling PiS won the elections, the far-right entered the parliament, whilst the left returned to parliament.
By Gavin Rae
The annual Independence march (Marsz Niepodległości) took place in Warsaw on 11 November. Over 60,000 people attended, some of them masked and setting off red smoke bombs. Banners were carried with slogans supporting things such as a ‘white’ Poland and Europe and against refugees and Muslims. Some demonstrators wore the Celtic cross or the pre-war fascist symbol (the falanga). Representatives of other far-right parties in Europe attended the march, with the former leader of the English Defence League, Tommy Robinson, boasting that he ‘had an amazing time with polish patriots marching against Islam’.
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