North London People’s Assembly Against Austerity

10am – 5pm Saturday 26 October 2013

Haringey Cypriot Community Centre, Earlham Grove, Wood Green, London, N22 5HJ

Speakers include:
Tony Benn
Ken Livingstone
Owen Jones
Roger Lloyd-Pack, actor
Jeremy Corbyn MP
Lucy Anderson, Labour candidate for the European Parliament
Francesca Martinez
Lindsey German, Stop the War Coalition
John Rees, National Peoples Assembly Against Austerity
Eileen Short, Defend Council Housing
Shirley Franklin, Defend the Whittington Hospital Coalition
Barbara Jacobson , Barnet Alliance for Public Services
Zita Holbourne, BARAC
Andy Greene, DPAC
Pilgrim Tucker, Community Organiser, Unite the Union
Reverend Paul Nicholson, Taxpayers Against Poverty
Suzanne Jeffrey, Campaign against Climate Change
Aaron Kiely, National Union of Students Black Students Officer
Max Hyde, National Union of Teachers, Vice-President
Peter Kavanagh, Unite London & Eastern Region, Regional Secretary

Register here