Japan turns right

20th December 2012 Socialist Action 0

By Neil Martin

The outcome of the Japanese general election marked a sharp turn to the right in Japanese politics.

The poll delivered an overwhelming victory for the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and its junior ally the Komitei, following the failure of the Democratic Party (DPJ) to take steps to revive the economy.

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Loyalist violence cannot block Ireland’s people deciding its future

11th December 2012 Socialist Action 0

By Frances Davis

Sinn Féin’s Gerry Kelly was correct this week to give a stark warning that the ongoing loyalist sectarian protests, violence and intimidation could lead to somebody being killed. His demand that the violence must end and that, moreover, unionist politicians must ‘use all of their influence to see they are brought to an end’ should be strongly supported.

There should also be strong support for Belfast City Council’s decision to move to fly the Union flag on designated days and not all year round, and those councillors who backed that.

Photo: Prensa Presidencial www.minci.gob.ve

Solidarity with Hugo Chávez

10th December 2012 Socialist Action 0

As Hugo Chávez returns to Cuba for further treatment, our thoughts and solidarity are with him, his family and with all our friends and comrades in Venezuela.

In recent years, Hugo Chávez has, more than anyone else, played a central role in reviving socialism across the world after a period of international defeats for the working class.

Hugo Chávez has demonstrated the difference that individuals can make in trying to change the world despite the immense military and economic power of the bourgeoisie.

Autumn statement – crisis paid for by workers and the poor

5th December 2012 Socialist Action 0

By Nicky Dempsey

There is very little attempt to disguise the class interests served by George Osborne’s latest Autumn statement.

The government claims that its overriding aim is to reduce the public deficit yet corporation tax is to be cut once again, now down to 21 per cent. Altogether the statement includes £5.7 billion in tax cuts and giveaways to the corporate sector over the next several years. At the same time a series of partial freezes on welfare entitlements and tax thresholds, holding them to one per cent increases – which is below the rate of inflation, show that the burden of the crisis continues to paid for by workers and the poor.