How to fight UKIP

8th May 2014 Socialist Action 0

By Jo Mullins

UKIP and its politics are dominating the forthcoming European and local elections. In part this reflects the coverage of the mainstream media who have assiduously promoted its racist agenda. But it also reflects the unwillingness of the main parties to challenge UKIP politically. In politics whoever sets the agenda wins.

Fighting the racist onslaught- building the March 22 demo!

1st March 2014 Socialist Action 0

By Nicky Dempsey

Vile attacks on immigrants and ethnic minorities are continuing all across Europe.

Reaction is being whipped up by the pro-austerity parties, who also lend support to each other’s agendas. The latest example, but by no means the worst, is Merkel’s support for Cameron on her recent visit to Britain. While she was completely unwilling and unable to offer any encouragement on his central demand for a European referendum, the consolation prize offered was support for yet another ‘clampdown on benefit tourism’.

Labour has nothing to gain from concessions to UKIP

20th February 2014 Socialist Action 0

By Paul Roberts

There is no significant electoral threat to Labour from UKIP. The real danger arises from adaption to its politics.

The balance of support of Britain’s political parties, confirmed by opinion polls and actual voting, including last week’s Wythenshawe and Sale East by-election, indicates Labour remains on course to become the largest party at next year’s general election. This is being achieved on the back of divisions on the right between the Tories and UKIP plus disgust at Lib Dem acquiescence with the Tories.

Some truths about immigration

15th June 2010 Socialist Action 0

By Nicky Dempsey

The new coalition government in Britain has begun a process of attacking working class living standards through public spending cuts, slashing public services and reducing public sector pay, jobs and pensions. Meanwhile one of the dominant themes of the Labour leadership campaign is not an attack on this reactionary economic policy but a wholly ill-informed debate on immigration.

By blaming immigrants for the consequences of New Labour’s own economic failures, and completely distorting the real reasons for its defeat, two purposes are served. One is to forestall any proper debate about that defeat; the other is to set up immigrants in general, but especially poorer Eastern European and black and Asian immigrants, as the culprits within the widespread discontent about economic policy. For now, this is a narrative being created almost entirely by some of Labour’s leaders. But, as unrest grows at the consequences of the new government’s policies, it will no doubt be gratefully seized on to further channel working class anger towards reactionary rather than progressive solutions.

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Rebutting attacks on immigration

8th March 2010 Socialist Action 0

By Andrew Williams According to conservativehome blog CCHQ (Conservative Campaign Headquarters) has approved a ‘strong immigration message for campaigning in marginal seats’, and party literature is already being distributed pledging to cut [Read more]