9am – 5pm Saturday 9th November
Birkbeck College, Malet Street WC1E 7HX
Speakers include:
Ken Livingstone
Owen Jones
Francesca Martinez
Steve Turner (Unite)
Ann Pettifor
Diane Abbott MP
Katy Clark MP
Jeremy Corbyn MP
Frank Dobson MP
John McDonnell MP
Michael Meacher MP
Murad Qureshi AM
Christine Shawcroft (NEC)
Professor Keith Ewing
Tosh McDonald (ASLEF)
Peter Willsman (CLPD)
Adrian Weir (Campaign for Trade Union Freedom)
Catherine West PPC
Cat Smith PPC
Shelly Asquith
Daniel Blaney
Michael Burke
Mike Hedges (Unite)
Conrad Landin
Cllr Alice Perry
Cllr Kate Taylor
Marsha-Jane Thompson (Defend the Link)
Discussing the alternatives to austerity Labour should put forward to stimulate growth, jobs & raise living standards.
Admission £10 / £5 concs
Register here
The Labour Assembly Against Austerity is supported by: Unite, UCATT, BECTU, Tribune, Morning Star, Campaign for Trade Union Freedom, Campaign for Labour Party Democracy, Labour Representation Committee, Left Futures, Labour Briefing Co-operative, Chartist, Red Labour and hosted by: Next Generation Labour