Unaccountable, contradictory and chaotic – the Tory government and Libya

3rd October 2016 Socialist Action 0

By Stephen Bell

On the 14 September, the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee (FAC) published its report, ‘Libya: Examination of intervention and collapse and the UK’s future policy options’. Published immediately after David Cameron’s retirement from Parliament, the reception given to the report concentrated on his culpability for the political and economic collapse in Libya. But this convenient response ignored how deeply compromised the British government’s intervention actually is. That policy continues to evade parliamentary control; involves fighting on both sides of a civil war, and adds to the chaos facing the people of Libya.

Terrorism has never broken London or its unity – it never will – it will fail

23rd May 2013 Socialist Action 0

By Jane West

The murderous attack on a soldier in Woolwich yesterday was horrifying, and nothing justifies such a vile act. The only response that is appropriate – apart from expressing sympathy for the victim’s family and friends – is to isolate the approach of the perpetrators and for communities to stand together in condemnation of this attack, as Ken Livingstone spells out in the article we reproduce below.

Photo by: ussocom_ru

Al Qaida is imperialism’s offspring

26th January 2013 Socialist Action 0

By Tom Castle

Representative of both French and British imperialism have begun to talk of prolonged military operations in North Africa, lasting a decade or more. Although the US wishes to limit its own commitment of troops to the adventure, the sentiments were echoed by departing Secretary of State Clinton.

After Libya: Syria, counterrevolution and Counterfire

6th February 2012 Socialist Action 0

By Andrew Williams

The veto, by Russia and China, of a US-backed UN Security Council resolution aimed at giving cover to stepped up imperialist intervention in Syria has made this more difficult. But this setback will not stop the offensive of the US and the other imperialists, backed by Israel, to overthrow Syria’s government.