Germany and the US after Trump

28th January 2021 shoreditchadmin2 0

The election of Armin Laschet to the leadership of the CDU is the opening shot of 2021 in the campaign to elect a new German Chancellor to replace Angela Merkel in the federal election on 26 September 2021. Over the coming months there will be intense pressure within Germany, and from the United States, over who will be the CDU/CSU candidate for Chancellor.

German election again confirms increasing Western political turbulence

3rd October 2017 Socialist Action 0

By John Ross

The outcome of the 24 September German elections was dramatic itself. The Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union’s (CDU/CSU’s) 33 per cent was its lowest per centage of the vote since the first election in West Germany in 1949. The German Social Democratic Party (SPD) result was even worse – at 20.5 per cent it was the lowest vote ever recorded by the SPD in any election in West Germany or the reunited Germany. The extreme rightest Alliance for Germany (AfD) received 13.5 per cent of the vote – the highest for an extreme rightest party in Germany since World War II. The radical left Left Party received 9.2 per cent of the vote.