Jeffrey Donaldson’s DUP gambles against history

29th July 2022 shoreditchadmin2 0

Sinn Féin has become the most popular party on the island of Ireland, and on both sides of the border.
“..Ireland is on the cusp of an historic opportunity to unravel the generational political, social and economic trauma which partition has brought about.”

The British government is responsible for the renewed turmoil in Ireland

5th May 2021 shoreditchadmin2 0

The fundamental reason for the turmoil in the north of Ireland and in the main party of Unionism is the outcome of Brexit and the NI Protocol which was part of it. These change the relationship with Britain – the north of Ireland is effectively in the same customs and trade bloc with the Republic of Ireland and the rest of the EU, while there is now a customs border between Britain and Ireland as a whole.

Desperate to keep Corbyn out, allies prepare to prop up the Tories

3rd July 2017 Socialist Action 0

By Ian Richardson

The Tory deal with the DUP has faced widespread criticism both for its blatant bribery and the threat it poses to the Good Friday Agreement. But the degree of hostility to Jeremy Corbyn from pro-establishment political forces in general is so great that other potential allies are also preparing to come to the Tories’ rescue if needed.