Argentina and Brazil in turmoil

19th June 2018 Socialist Action 0

When the left in Latin America suffered a series of electoral setbacks and other defeats in major countries on the continent, including Brazil and Argentina, the pro-imperialist media of course rushed to claim that the Latin American right was now sweeping all before it after the failure of the left – of the ‘pink tide’ which has pushed most countries in the continent to the left in the period after 2000. This was always a delusion.

US offensive against the left in Latin America

27th February 2018 shoreditchadmin2 0

US-aligned right wing forces have been advancing in Latin America over the past three years. They have capitalised on the political instability created by an economic crisis which has engulfed the region following the crash in commodity prices in 2014. Their agenda is to reverse the huge social gains delivered by socialist and left wing governments throughout Latin America since the turn of the century and subordinate the region’s governments to US policy.