Time to end the war on Yemen!

10th February 2021 shoreditchadmin2 0

The Saudi and UAE war in Yemen, supplied and supported by the US, British, Canadian and French governments, is going to be wound down. The Saudi-led coalition’s intervention has failed due to the resistance mounted that has been led from within Yemeni society. Despite the US government taking steps to end the war, the British Tory government remains determined to assist the war’s prosecution to the bitterest of ends.

Polish government acts to ban abortion despite overwhelming public opposition and protests

1st February 2021 shoreditchadmin2 0

Despite demonstrations of hundreds of thousands of people, Poland has now introduced an almost complete ban on abortion. The population is broadly pro-choice – 69% of Polish people support the Women’s Strike – an organisation that campaigns in defence of abortion rights. The ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party have been intent on banning even the limited abortion rights Poland previously had.