Notes from the front – of the week 28/7/2015

28th July 2015 Socialist Action 0

Victory to Jeremy Corbyn and Diane Abbott!

The mainstream press and the Labour right are in a frenzy, desperate to prevent Jeremy Corbyn winning the Labour leadership after an opinion poll has put him in the lead. The opposing candidates have been completely unable to mount a coherent or strong alternative to his clear anti-austerity message.

Notes from the front – of the week 22/7/2015

22nd July 2015 Socialist Action 0

The left can advance – the Tories are weak

A political offensive is being waged to promote the absurd claim that the Tories are impregnable and the only way Labour can advance is by shifting sharply to the right. The myth put forward by Labour’s right-wing, and widely in the media, is that Labour was crushed in May and will never win again unless it accepts the Tory agenda. The Tories are depicted as a strong party that has moved to the centre ground.

Notes from the front – of the week 15/7/2015

15th July 2015 Socialist Action 0

Greece – a defeat for anti-austerity. This is a coup.

The Troika have imposed a harsh defeat on Syriza and all the anti-austerity forces in Europe. At every stage they sought a political solution; the complete rout of the anti-austerity forces and their first government in Europe……Read more here.

A defeat for anti-austerity. This is a coup

15th July 2015 Socialist Action 0

The Troika of the ECB/EU/IMF have imposed a harsh defeat on Syriza and all the anti-austerity forces in Europe. At every stage the concessions agreed by the Syriza leadership were not enough. The Troika, led by Germany, sought a political solution to the economic crisis; the complete rout of the anti-austerity forces and the humiliation of their first government.

Notes from the front – of the week 8/7/2015

8th July 2015 Socialist Action 0

Landslide victory for Oxi! Big struggles ahead

On 5 July Greek voters struck a fantastic blow on behalf of all those fighting against austerity in Europe. A brilliant campaign was waged, by Alexis Tsipras and the leadership of Syriza, that united all those who want an end to austerity and an end to the national humiliation of living under the diktat of Brussels/Frankfurt and Washington.

Landslide victory for Oxi! Big struggles ahead

7th July 2015 Socialist Action 0

Greek voters have struck a fantastic blow on behalf of all those fighting against austerity in Europe. A brilliant campaign waged by Alexis Tsipras and the leadership of Syriza united all those who want an end to austerity and to the national humiliation of living under the diktat of Brussels/Frankfurt and Washington.