Venezuela wins simply by holding an election

2nd December 2020 shoreditchadmin2 0

On December 6, the Venezuelan people will vote for a new National Assembly.
These days, even the holding of an election is a contest between the Venezuelan people and the United States government. Since Chávez became the president, the United States government and its allies have tried to destabilize Venezuela’s government, including by direct efforts at regime change.

US ramps up pressure on Venezuela after failed coup attempt

10th May 2019 Socialist Action 0

Last week the Venezuelan people resoundingly defeated the latest US-backed coup attempt against their government. Washington’s puppet and fake ‘interim President of Venezuela’, Juan Guaido, led the ineffective and small attempt to overthrow the legitimate and democratic Venezuelan government. In the face of this tactical defeat, the US administration continues to intensify its offensive against the Venezuelan government and people through harsh economic sanctions, military threats and subversive attacks.