Imperialism’s timetable for war

19th August 2021 shoreditchadmin2 0

Defeated in Syria and Afghanistan, and withdrawing from Iraq, the US and its allies are now stepping up their military provocations against Russia and China. Preventing imperialism from launching a serious military conflict is indispensable if humanity is to address the real challenges which it faces.

Imperialism, Socialism and Black Liberation

10th December 2020 shoreditchadmin2 0

The issue of Black Liberation is under all circumstances of decisive importance because it concerns the overwhelming majority of humanity who are not of primarily European (‘white’) descent and because this almost entirely overlaps with the division between the small number of imperialist states and the great majority of humanity who live in states dominated by imperialism.

Britain’s military infrastructure – for the new cold war

8th December 2020 shoreditchadmin2 0

The website “Declassified” investigation into Britain’s military presence overseas reveals that there are at least 145 sites in 42 countries where there is an armed forces presence. This suggests that the British state has the second highest number of overseas bases in the world, after the United States.

Understanding Britain’s wars

11th January 2016 Socialist Action 0
The article below, by Michael Burke, deals with the material reasons for Britain’s wars. Britain has the biggest military budget in Europe and, along with France is the most willing to engage in overseas military adventures, usually at the behest of the US. This article explains that in terms of Britain’s place within the global imperialist system led by the US. It first appeared on Socialist Economic Bulletin.