The growth of the far-right is a danger to us all

14th June 2018 Socialist Action 0

The mobilisation of around 15,000 far-right supporters in London for the imprisoned Tommy Robinson has been a wake-up call for many on the left.
The intention of Saturday’s march was clear — to normalise and spread the most vitriolic anti-Muslim hatred and to build a new far-right movement based on the growth of anti-Muslim groups across Europe.

Europe is facing the biggest rise in racism since fascism’s rise to power

6th March 2018 shoreditchadmin2 0

The recent outburst of Victor Orban, President of Hungary claimimg Hungary was “the last bastion against the Islamisation of Europe,” is yet another example of rising Islamophobia in Europe. Furthermore nothing could be further from the truth. Terrorist attacks in Europe emanating from ISIS or linked organisation are a huge problem and action is needed to stop these attacks.

‘Independence March’ – The Unholy Alliance of the Polish Right

20th November 2017 Socialist Action 0

By Gavin Rae

The annual Independence march (Marsz Niepodległości) took place in Warsaw on 11 November. Over 60,000 people attended, some of them masked and setting off red smoke bombs. Banners were carried with slogans supporting things such as a ‘white’ Poland and Europe and against refugees and Muslims. Some demonstrators wore the Celtic cross or the pre-war fascist symbol (the falanga). Representatives of other far-right parties in Europe attended the march, with the former leader of the English Defence League, Tommy Robinson, boasting that he ‘had an amazing time with polish patriots marching against Islam’.

Economic crisis fuels continuing political crisis in Europe

12th October 2014 Socialist Action 0

By Bob Clarke

The political impact of the economic crisis in Europe has entered a new phase. When the economy was contracting virtually all parties implementing austerity policies were thrown out of office or at least experienced a large drop in their support. In the more recent period of economic stagnation, the same economic policies have the effect of shifting the burden of the crisis onto workers and the poor while capital benefits, boosting the incomes of the very rich and allied layers.