Why the US economy remains locked in slow growth

15th June 2017 Socialist Action 0

The following article by John Ross, setting out the growth prospects for the US economy, was previously published by Socialist Economic Bulletin.


The latest US economic data confirms the US remains locked in a prolonged period of slow growth with major consequences for geopolitics and destabilising consequences for US domestic politics.

Why the ‘Belt & Road’ region will be the main locomotive of the world economy

16th May 2017 Socialist Action 0
The following article by John Ross, explaining why the Belt & Road region is now the main locomotive in the world economy, was previously published by Socialist Economic Bulletin.

The importance of the Belt and Road (B&R) summit for China and participating countries is well known. What is not so widely grasped is that the B&R region is now by far the most powerful locomotive not only of the regional but of the global economy. To be precise:

· Measured at current exchange rates the IMF projects that in the next five years’ growth in the B&R region measured in absolute dollar terms will be almost twice that in North America and four times that in Europe.

The economic logic behind Trump’s foreign policy – why the key countries are Germany and China

29th March 2017 Socialist Action 0

The following article by John Ross, setting out the economic fundamentals confronting the US, was previously published by Socialist Economic Bulletin.

This article was published in Chinese before the recent summit between Chancellor Merkel and President Trump – which strongly confirmed its analysis.

The first steps by Trump as US President confirmed that he will pursue an anti-China policy but also that he will use different tactics to Obama and Clinton.

The US economic slowdown is much greater than China’s

9th August 2013 Socialist Action 0

Discussion about the trends in the world economy emerging from the 2008 financial crisis is dominated by the relative growth rates of the US and China – the world’s two largest economies.

The media discussion has been focusing on concerns about China’s slowdown and its global impact, while the US is portrayed a recovering well. In fact both major economies are slowing in the context of continued global economic weakness, but the US is slowing much more than China.

The following article, by John Ross, looks at these facts in detail and points out that the key question is not ‘why is China slowing?’, but why has the US slowed much more dramatically than China in the last year?

The failure of neo-liberalism

4th February 2013 Socialist Action 0

The following article by John Ross sets out the disastrous effects on countries following neo-liberal economic policies – including in Latin America, Europe, and the US. It also analyses the errors in economic theory of neo-liberalism. Its influences also damaged China’s economy in the first half of 2012, but following China’s government boosting state led investment from mid-2012, China’s growth has accelerated again.