Protest for Palestine: Sat 17 October

15th October 2015 Socialist Action 0

12pm – 2pm

Opposite the Israeli Embassy in London

Kensington High Street, W8 5NP – London

Organised by PSC, Friends of Al-Aqsa, Stop the War Coalition, Muslim Association of Britain, Palestinian Forum in Britain, FOSIS. 
Supported by Jews for Justice for Palestinians and Amos Trust

Notes from the front – of the week 13/10/2015

13th October 2015 Socialist Action 0

Building Momentum

One of the important opportunities coming out of the campaign to get Jeremy Corbyn elected as leader of the Labour Party was the possibility to renew political discussion and campaigning in the Labour Party and beyond by maintaining the organisation of the many new, renewed and existing activists that came around the campaign. The first step to achieving this has been taken by the launch of Momentum, a grassroots network based on those who signed up to Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign, which will continue to build support within the labour movement and campaigning organisations for progressive policies.

British Government’s partisan approach to the Stormont talks

9th October 2015 Socialist Action 0

The following article, by Declan Kearney Sinn Féin’s National Chairperson, originally was published by An Phoblacht. It explains the negative intervention Britain’s Conservative government are making into the current Stormont talks, including seeking to renege on Britain’s obligation to disclose its role in the conflict as part of the agreed process of dealing with the past. Sinn Féin’s efforts to defend the Good Friday Agreement and block the imposition of austerity should be supported.

How Labour should deal with the Fiscal Responsibility Act

5th October 2015 Socialist Action 0

Labour took its first step to economic credibility by Jeremy Corbyn’s appointment of John McDonnell as Shadow Chancellor. It was vital to appoint someone who would break from the confused economic policies pursued by previous Labour administrations and in opposition. John McDonnell’s was the correct appointment and he proved it immediately and at Labour conference. His establishing the position that Labour would not run a budget deficit over the course of the business cycle on current expenditure, but would borrow for investment, was precisely the correct position. It was in line with the theoretical analyses of both Marx and Keynes. It provided the framework for the other correct polices that began to be laid out at the Labour Party conference – for example on the National Investment Bank, opposition to removing the budget deficit by cuts to welfare.