Marxism and the anti-racist struggle

9th June 2020 shoreditchadmin2 0

What we are seeing today in microcosm is the rising up of the black struggle – objectively an anti-imperialist struggle – and a significant number of the American people coming over to its side.
The article reproduced here (first published in 2007) draws out the intimate connection between class struggle and the struggle for black rights.

Capitalist frenzy against Corbyn proves the truth of Marxism

14th August 2018 shoreditchadmin2 0

Currently the foul consciously lying media campaign against Jeremy Corbyn – attempting to portray the most principled lifelong anti-racist and anti-war leader the Labour Party has ever had as a supporter of anti-semitism and terrorism – is demonstrating the truth of Marxism to hundreds of thousands of people.  

From Lenin to Chávez – socialist leadership since 1917

11th March 2013 Socialist Action 0

By Brian Williams

The analysis of Marxism concludes that the interests of humanity as a whole coincide with those of the working class – i.e. the advance of the working class takes forward the general interests of humanity, including all of its oppressed layers, while setbacks for the working class roll back the interests of humanity. This therefore determines the attitude to all political forces. Those who take forward the interests of the working class take humanity forward, those who set back the working class set back the general interests of humanity including its oppressed layers. Nothing more clearly illustrates this reality than the history of the 20th century, above all the victory and then defeat of the Russian revolution, and the events following this in the 21st century.

Marxism and under-consumption

4th August 2012 Socialist Action 0

By Tom O’Donnell

The current crisis is leading to a revival of interest in Marxism in general and in Marxist explanations of capitalist crises in particular. Even in Britain this occasionally reaches the commentary of the mass media. Unfortunately, the commentary is usually produced by non-Marxists who mangle ideas and reproduce only their own misunderstandings.

In particular, a persistent distortion of Marxist ideas is the notion that economic crises are caused by ‘under-consumption’. Under-consumption is the process where workers are denied the full value of their expended labour-power in the production of commodities, and so cannot consume all the commodities produced in any economy.