Summitry and the new cold war

23rd June 2021 shoreditchadmin2 0

Imperialism’s interest in overturning the rule of the CPC in China, under the euphemistic rubric of “security”, “democratic values” and “rules based order”, was codified in the week of summitry comprising the meetings of the G7, NATO and the Biden-Putin summit.

Growth in the G7 ‘Great Stagnation’ will be slower than in the Great Depression

27th July 2017 Socialist Action 0

The following article by John Ross, examining the current slow growth of the G7 economies, was previously published on Learning from China.

The Western G7 economies are in, and will remain locked in, very slow growth. How slow this growth is can be seen starkly by taking an historical comparison: the average growth in the Western economies in the entire period since the international financial crisis in 2008 will actually be slower than in the Great Depression after 1929!