Wave of anti-austerity protest sweeps across Britain

6th November 2013 Socialist Action 0

By Jennifer Nash

Report on the People’s Assembly National Day of Action which took place on Tuesday 5 November 2013

Yesterday’s National Day of Action against austerity coordinated by the People’s Assembly Against Austerity saw a wave of protests across Britain, with local groups organizing actions in 40 towns and cities.

This National Day of Action built on the upturn of struggle against austerity we have seen in recent months, with the 4,000 strong launch of the People’s Assembly in June, the massive anti-Tory demonstration in Manchester in September and a wave of strike actions from teachers, lecturers, university staff, fire-fighters, probation officers and others in recent weeks.

Anti-austerity movement is warming up. Build the Bonfire of Austerity on November 5!

17th October 2013 Socialist Action 0

By Nicky Dempsey

The broad movement against austerity is warming up. A host of unions have either organised national strike action or are about to strike in the near future. These include firefighters, post workers, teachers, lecturers and others. The continued fall in living standards takes place while the government and its supporters complacently talk about recovery. As a result workers are increasingly angry and confident that they can win concessions.