Hyper-imperialism: an international webinar
Video of online meeting
(held on Saturday 9 March)
Cheng Enfu – Chief Editor, World Marxist Review (China)
Joao Pedro Stedile – Landless Workers’ Movement (Brazil)
Rania Khalek – Breakthrough News (Lebanon)
Carlos Ron – President, Simon Bolivar Institute (Venezuela)
Shannon Ebrahim – Director, Department of International Relations, personal capacity (South Africa)
Darini Rajasingham-Senanyake – Political commentator (Sri Lanka)
Lowkey – Journalist and rapper (UK)
Mikaela Erskog – Tricontintental: Institute for Social Research (South Africa)
Jodie Evans – Co-founder, Code Pink (United States)
Gisela Cernadas – Global South Insights (Argentina)
Imani Na UMOJA – Executive Member, West African People’s Organisation (Guinea Bissau)
Vijay Prashad, No Cold War
Co-sponsors: ALBA Movimientos | Pan Africanism Today | Simon Bolivar Institute | International Strategy Center | Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research
Information from the organisers
This online event will be an opportunity to discuss a new publication from the Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research and Global South Insights: ‘Hyper-Imperialism: A Dangerous Decadent New Stage.’
This document is published at a time of great threats to humanity as NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine continues, the US-backed Israeli assault on Gaza intensifies and the massive US-led military build-up in the Pacific escalates.
Meanwhile, global warming threatens all living creatures on the planet while economic stagnation deepens and persists. If left and progressive social forces are to mount an effective offensive to overcome these crises, we must start by developing a common discourse and understanding of the global situation. We hope this document can be a spark in igniting such conversations.
At this webinar you will hear analysis and insights from speakers across the world on imperialism today, the global order, and regional possibilities and challenges in building the global movement for peace – against the US-led war drive.