By the People’s Assembly
Super rich Sunak has been installed as Prime Minister with no democratic process and no popular mandate. He bandies around words like “compassion” and “integrity” yet appoints a nasty cabinet of pro austerity, exploiting, anti migrant and profiteering proponents of human misery. This includes the re-appointment of Suella Braveman, a recently sacked right winger with cruel and vicious views on asylum seekers, benefit claimants and more. We all know that Sunak’s supposed “difficult decisions” really mean austerity 2.0, wage restraints and suffering for millions. At the same time, Sunak and his ruling class Tory mates will continue to profit and expand their wealth and power.
It’s absolutely crucial we fight back on every level and come together in maximum unity and solidarity, build our resistance, our movement, our industrial actions and our fight back against the Tories. Besides supporting calls for a General Election Now, we also have a series of demands, such as nationalising our energy, water, rail and mail companies (see the list of our demands below).
Support is growing by the day for the National Demonstration on Saturday 5th November in central London. The TUC are the latest to add their support. The RMT strikers will be leading on the demonstration. See the video below where Mick Lynch, RMT General Secretary, (who will be speaking at the demonstration) urges all trade unionists, activists, campaigners and supporters to support the RMT picket lines in the morning of the 5th and go to the national demonstration in the afternoon.

Click here for video call out from Mick Lynch RMT
So we’re asking all of you to get to the National Demonstration on Saturday 5th November. We have an impressive array of national unions, social and environmental justice campaigns and grassroots organisations are backing us from across the movement. Besides Mick Lynch (RMT), as noted above, we have many more speakers to be announced.
We need help from all our members and supporters to help us build the demo and make it big. Can you help us? Can you encourage your campaigns, organisations, unions and union branches to mobilise for the demonstration?
See Facebook event here for the national demonstration. Please share in your networks and with friends and family.
Local People’s Assembly groups and supporters have organised coaches from various locations in the U.K. If you have organised transport to the demonstration and it’s not listed on our website, please get in touch.
Could you organise a coach from your area? There are many trade unions supporting the demonstration, so you can seek funding from them through their local branches or regional offices.
Our demands include:
- General Election Now
- End the Cost-of-Living Crisis – Cut Profits, Not Wages
- Tax Wealth – Fund Social Care & Social Security – End Fuel Poverty
- Nationalise Energy, Water, Mail and Rail
- End Britain’s Low Pay Crisis
- Tories Out
- Scrap Anti-Union Laws
- End the Housing Crisis – Build Council Homes
- End outsourcing and privatisation of NHS & Public Services
The above article was originally published by the People’s Assembly.
The National Demonstration takes place on Saturday November 5th and will be assembling at 12PM on the Embankment London. More details here.