No freedom day for the virus – we need Zero Covid
Online Meeting Monday 6.30 – 8.00 pm 19 July
Register here.
Speakers: To be confirmed
New Covid-19 cases in Britain are surging once more, to a level last seen in December as we approached the peak. There is a high concentration in schools, and contrary to widespread assertions in the media, both new hospitalisations and deaths are also rising rapidly from previously low levels.
Those low levels showed what can be achieved with lockdowns. But making the suppression of the virus permanent requires other measures, on effective testing & tracing, supported self-isolation and strict quarantined for a very small number of travellers.
None of this has been done. The period between June 21 and July 19, so-called ‘Freedom Days’ has been completely wasted. Instead, one Health Secretary has been replaced with another who threatens reopening irrespective of the data. Schools have been told to abandon bubbles and masks and furlough has been cut while the pandemic is raging. Meanwhile the British and German governments are the main blockages to achieving a vaccines patent waiver at the WTO. Potentially millions will die in poorer countries because of their veto.
The government will only achieve freedom for the virus to mutate and circulate with these policies. A complete change of direction is needed to avoid another catastrophe.
Join us as we learn from experts and campaigners on the alternative and how to fight for it.
Organised by the Zero Covid Coaltion