Vaccines are not a magic bullet – we still need a Zero Covid strategy
Online meeting
6.30pm Wednesday 17 February
Speakers include:
Richard Horton (Editor of the Lancet)
Larissa Kennedy (NUS),
Jay Patel (Global health governance),
Roy Wilkes (Zero Covid Campaign)
Sign up here –> http://tinyurl.com/ZeroCovidEvent
Organised by the Zero Covid Alliance
We still need Zero Covid
Britain remains in a difficult position. The average numbers of new cases and the death rate is falling, but these rates remain high, and all this is during a long and hard lockdown.
The government has indicated that they believe the way out is in sight due to the impressive rollout of the vaccine by our fabulous NHS staff. Despite their optimism however, leading scientists are unconvinced that a vaccine can end this pandemic on its own.
Join our expert panel on Wednesday the 17th to hear about the ongoing need for a Zero Covid strategy