Will the US Presidential Election Change the New Cold War? 7 November webinar

Will the US Presidential Election Change the New Cold War?

Webinar Saturday 7 November 12pm (GMT)


Martin Jacques – Author of ‘When China Rules the World’
Vijay Prashad – Tricontinental Institute for Social Research
Margaret Kimberley – Black Agenda Report
Wang Wen – Executive Dean of Chongyang Institute, Renmin University of China
Ollie Vargas – Journalist on Bolivia’s Kawsachun News
John Foster – Emeritus Professor, University of the West of Scotland
Claudia De La Cruz – Executive Director of The People’s Forum
He Weiwen – Former Counsellor at Chinese Consulates General in New York and San Francisco
Radhika Desai – Professor, Department of Political Studies, University of Manitoba
Qiao Collective – A diaspora Chinese media collective
John Ross – Senior Fellow, Chongyang Institute, Renmin University of China

Tickets to the Zoom event are limited, so please register on Eventbrite if you wish to attend.
The webinar will also be live-streaming on  Youtube  and Facebook.

US, Chinese and other experts opposing a New Cold War will be analysing the consequences of the outcome of the US presidential election.

President Trump has launched a New Cold War against China which has led to a dangerous rise in global tensions. It is a decisive part of an aggressive ‘America First’ foreign policy which has also involved an attack on the people of many other countries – including US support for coups in Latin American countries such as Bolivia.

At this webinar experts from the US, China, Britain, Bolivia, India and other countries will discuss whether the outcome of the US presidential election will end, continue or change the tactics of the US in the New Cold War.

The event will be broadcast in English and Chinese with simultaneous translation.

The webinar is jointly sponsored by No Cold War, the Tricontinental Institute for Social Research, and Chongyang Institute, Renmin University of China.