Marches Against Racism
Sat 21 March
in London (with Cymru bloc) & Glasgow
Boris Johnson’s Tory government has launched a new offensive to whip up racism in advance of the attacks on living standards that will accompany the Brexit it is pursuing.
The Tories’ new restrictive immigration policy and the recent deportations to Jamaica are part of this new attack – using issues of race to attempt to divide the population.
Those who oppose this new racist offensive in Britain will want to help build the marches against racism on 21 March, that take place to mark UN Anti Racism Day.
There is publicity for the London march – flyer here & poster here, and for the Glasgow march – flyer & poster here
The marches, in London (which will include a Cymru bloc) and in Glasgow are part of a coordination of demonstrations across Europe, the US and wider that will take place on the same day. They are organised by Stand Up To Racism.