Transform #4: Launch event
1968 – La Beauté est dans la rue
Thursday 31 May, 6.30PM
LSE Room G.03
32 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
London WC2A 3PH
Transform – a journal of the radical left – is launching its special issue to mark the 50th anniversary of 1968’s dramatic events on 31 May in London.
1968 saw the Vietnamese Tet offensive, black uprisings in the US, the May protests in Paris and other upheavals.
Fifty years from 1968 the world has moved on; but the fundamental processes revealed in that year of tumult are still unfolding.
As Transform marks the 50th anniversary, here from some of the contributors to its journal; including Marina Prentoulis, Chris Hazzard, Sinn Féin MP for South Down, Michael Wongsam, Francisco Dominguez and Kate Hudson. Chaired by Professor Mary Kaldor.
Book your tickets here.
Transform is linked to the transform! network of the European Left and is published by Public Reading Rooms www.prruk.org