– Imelda Staunton and Mike Leigh join Abortion Rights’ panel
Abortion Rights is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Abortion Act this year. This piece of legislation allowed women to receive safe and legal abortions for the first time avoiding the backstreet doctors and homemade remedies. This is an important stage in women’s liberation and should be seen as an part of our social history, not just for women but having knock on effects in our workplaces, universities and further legislation.
Abortion Rights are kicking off the celebrations on Saturday 21 January by screening Vera Drake, Mike Leigh’s seminal depiction of an east London abortionist Vera Drake, powerfully played by Imelda Staunton. In 2005 the film was nominated for three Oscars and Imelda Staunton won a best actress Bafta alongside the best director Bafta going to Mike Leigh.
Both director Mike Leigh and Imelda Staunton will be taking part in a Q&A panel following the screening alongside Abortion Rights’ Chair Kerry Abel, and chaired by comedian Shappi Khorsandi.
Tickets are available from RichMix but selling out fast.
After the screening, there will be a small bar and an auction fundraiser for Abortion Rights’ campaign to defend and extend the 1967 Abortion Act. The auction will be a chance to bid for signed Vera Drake memorabilia as well as signed books from Everyday Sexism’s Laura Bates, and other donations by supportive businesses such as gin from the East London Liquor Company and donuts from Dum Dum Donutterie. Register for the auction here.
Those who can’t make the events can still support the campaign by donating to Abortion Rights fighting fund before the end of January here.
More information on the Abortion Rights campaign: www.abortionrights.org.uk