Refugees Welcome Here: Stand up to racism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism & fascism!
UN Anti-racism day demonstration
Assemble 12 noon 19 March Central London
Followed by march and rally in Trafalgar Square
Join Facebook event here – invite your friends, share and tweet!
Tories are whipping up Islamophobia – ALL OUT FOR UN ANTI-RACISM DAY!
Cameron’s response to the announcement that the British economy is slowing again has been to initiate yet another campaign to scapegoat Muslims.
Cameron has launched a new offensive, particularly targeting Muslim women, with the threat that those who fail to learn sufficient English could face deportation.
Alongside this he has launched a serious attack on the right to wear the Niqab, proposing that public authorities should be entitled to ban Muslim women from wearing the Niqab, or face veil, in schools, courts and other public bodies.
Cameron is promising a review of religious councils, including Sharia councils and he announced the state will be taking assertive action against social conservatism in the Muslim community. He criticises the separate seating provisions sometimes made for men and women in Mosques and at some other Muslim events. He does not point out that this is common to a number of faiths including Islam and Judaism, plus gender separation is widespread in secular institutions, such as sports teams, hospitals, many primary and secondary schools. Cameron is only attacking such cultural practices when pursued by Muslims!
No to Islamophobia, Anti-Semitism & Scapegoating Migrants. Yes to diversity!