NUS 2017 – left suffers avoidable defeat

4th July 2017 Socialist Action 0

The following article by Fiona Edwards, on the left’s defeat this year in the National Union of Students, was initially published here by Student Broad Left.

In April 2017 the left wing of the National Union of Students (NUS) lost the Presidency, having held the post for one year. Malia Bouattia was defeated in her bid for re-election and the NUS right wing have retaken the top officer position in NUS, alongside a majority on the leadership team.

Left victories mark start of new era for student movement – NUS Conference 2015 report

2nd May 2015 Socialist Action 0

This year’s NUS Conference (21 – 23 April) for the first time in decades saw the left win the majority of the NUS leadership positions, a majority of the NUS Executive and strengthened support for the policy of free education. The following article, by Aaron Kiely (NUS NEC) and Fiona Edwards (Student Broad Left Secretary), reporting on the Conference was originally published by Student Broad Left.