Hands off Nicaragua!

19th August 2021 shoreditchadmin2 0

Right now the issue for the U.S. interventionist machinery in Nicaragua is the coming election to be held on 7 November 2021 with the likely victory of the FSLN. The US is desperate to discredit these elections by orchestrating a stream of media-oriented provocations that may allow it not to recognise the results.

Photo: Bildarchiv

Tribute to Tomás Borge

5th May 2012 Socialist Action 0

Tomás Borge – Loss of a Nicaraguan revolutionary giant

Tomás Borge Martínez, the historic Nicaraguan revolutionary leader, died on 30 April aged 81. Borge had been a consistent and leading fighter at the centre of Nicaraguans’ struggles against dictatorship and imperialism for decades. He was an intellectual driving force of the revolutionary socialist movement and was revered by the left in Nicaragua.