Photo by: ussocom_ru

Al Qaida is imperialism’s offspring

26th January 2013 Socialist Action 0

By Tom Castle

Representative of both French and British imperialism have begun to talk of prolonged military operations in North Africa, lasting a decade or more. Although the US wishes to limit its own commitment of troops to the adventure, the sentiments were echoed by departing Secretary of State Clinton.

Image by Mark Dingemanse

Hands Off Mali!

16th January 2013 Socialist Action 0

By Tom Castle

The French military intervention in Mali has been trumpeted as a relaunch of the French Presidency, an example of Anglo-French co-operation and a necessary strike against militant Al Qaida-linked terrorists.

The grubby reality is that it is an extension of the joint imperialist project for northern Africa which is based on promoting the entirely selfish and strategic interests of imperialism. It follows the murderous interventions in Libya and Cote d’Ivoire as well as the desperate attempts to shore up other pro-Western dictatorships in the course of the Arab Spring.