The dangerous rhetoric fuelling Islamophobia
The far right and their enablers in mainstream politics are emboldened when we stay silent. That’s why it’s crucial to resist.
The far right and their enablers in mainstream politics are emboldened when we stay silent. That’s why it’s crucial to resist.
Support the anti-racists protests and defend the targeted asylum services.
Mobilise against the fascists!
Macron’s government has expelled hundreds of Muslims from France, placed controls on Mosques and banned the Collective Against Islamophobia. Islamophobia is being whipped up in parallel with increased economic attacks on the population, which follow on from France’s policy not being to eliminate Covid-19.
Unite against Islamophobia and racism, oppose Macron’s attacks
– Online meeting
– 14 December
After three years in office Macron’s reputations is damaged, due to his management of the Gilets Jaunes protests, pension reforms, the COVID pandemic, and his authoritarian stance. He has turned to a witch-hunt against Muslims and anyone fighting Islamophobia in advance of the 2022 presidential elections.
By Sabby Dhalu
In September a racist and Islamophobic campaign was whipped up in some sections of the media regarding a child from a Christian background being placed in the foster care of a Muslim family. The issue has been discussed as a “clash of civilisations” as though placing a Christian child in the care of a Muslim family is a threat to Christianity and the western world.
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