Progressives and democrats must organise for unity

9th April 2018 Socialist Action 0

In Gerry Adams’ blog below he poses a major challenge for socialists and all progressive forces in Britain – ‘The Tories and the unionist leaders want to turn back the clock to the bad old days of unionist domination. So, what should the response of progressives and democrats, particularly in Britain, be to this, and to the threat to the Good Friday Agreement? The first step should be for unity of purpose in defending the Good Friday Agreement and ensuring that all aspects of the Agreement are implemented in full.’

Photo: An Phoblacht

Sinn Féin’s stunning advance

28th May 2014 Socialist Action 0

By Frances Davis

In last week’s elections Sinn Féin stood on a strong anti-austerity programme, both north and south, with a clear, left alternative economic policy coupled with a strong advocacy of the peace process and for Irish reunification. Its vote is the strongest for the party since 1918.

Achieving Ireland’s unity – a key goal for the left

1st July 2013 Socialist Action 0

By Frances Davis

Last week saw an increased level of sectarian loyalist attacks against Catholic nationalist areas in the north of Ireland, accompanying the summer ‘marching season’ and the yearly determination by a minority of unionists to force sectarian marches through areas where they are clearly not wanted by local communities. Although there have been successful resolutions in some areas over contentious parades through local negotiations, the Orange Order still refuses to engage with local residents.