1981 Hunger Strike – inflicted a historic defeat on the Thatcher government

26th August 2015 Socialist Action 0

The following speech, by Sinn Féin’s Gerry Adams, was made to the 2015 National Hunger Strike march and rally in Dundalk.

The election in 1981 of Irish republicans on hunger strike, to the British parliament and Irish Dáil, proved to the world, beyond doubt, that the political prisoners had immense popular support.

Prime Minister Thatcher’s criminalisation policy, supported by the Irish government, was discredited by election victories that transformed the struggle for a united Ireland.


Solidarity with Gerry Adams

3rd May 2014 Socialist Action 0

The arrest and detention of Gerry Adams three weeks before the Local Government and EU elections is a deliberate political intervention into those elections by those in the PSNI hostile to the peace process and hoping to damage Sinn Féin’s rising support across the whole the Ireland.

Sinn Féin’s statements since Gerry Adams’ arrest (which can be found here) are reproduced below: