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Five precedents for understanding Egypt’s July coup

3rd October 2013 Socialist Action 0

The Egyptian army’s July coup was met with widespread confusion on the left. Within Egypt and internationally some socialists actually supported the coup, others were explicitly neutral in the struggle between the Muslim Brotherhood government and the army.

The article by John Riddell that appears below considers these issues from the point of view of the experience of the international communist movement from 1917 to the 1930s, drawing out why these positions are dangerously wrong.

Photo: The Muslim Brotherhood

Egypt – why the left needs to learn to tell counter-revolution from revolution

21st August 2013 Socialist Action 0

By Jane West

The unfolding counter-revolution in Egypt has been an object lesson in the correctness of Lenin’s insistence on the need to analyse each situation from the point of view of the interrelation of all classes and social layers if its dynamics are to be understood and the correct class lines identified.

Since the beginning of this year Socialist Action has warned that the military and Mubarakite forces in Egypt were preparing the conditions for a counter-revolutionary coup. This analysis has been proven correct in the bloody unfolding of events in Egypt.

Egypt – a counter-revolutionary coup

4th July 2013 Socialist Action 0

By Paul Roberts

Yesterday Egypt’s military, with the full backing of imperialism, carried out a coup d’état.

Former President Mohamed Morsi was deposed and taken into military custody along with his key officials, with arrest warrants issued for hundreds of Muslim Brotherhood leaders.