Trump and Vance call for even greater support to Israel’s massacres than Biden
The international solidarity movement has to redouble its efforts and prepare for a prolonged conflict.
The international solidarity movement has to redouble its efforts and prepare for a prolonged conflict.
Despite being elected on a platform of ending US support for the war on Yemen, Biden is supporting the coalition, without qualification. Towards the end of 2021 the US sold $650 million worth of advanced weapons to the Saudis – helping escalate, not end, the war on Yemen.
The decisions of both Joe Biden and Boris Johnson in recent days will ensure the Covid death toll will go far higher. Extending the pandemic allows the ruling class offensive to continue. It is the centrepiece of government policy. So the struggle will be a prolonged one.
Efforts to pass the Build Back Better plan have been upended due to the anti-worker intransigence of the Democratic Party’s right wing and the blundering weakness of its leadership.
Repeated broken promises and betrayals will not drive people to the polls in 2022.
Marx designated the difference between what he termed “political emancipation” and “human emancipation” – between purely formal equality and rights in politics and the fundamental inequality and lack of rights in the real world. This classically sets out the reality of Western parliamentary democracy.
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