Why we need an anti-war government – Stop The War’s national tour

25th January 2018 shoreditchadmin2 0

The Stop The War Coalition have launched a nationwide tour to explore the theme ‘Why We Need An Anti-War Government’, with a series of public meetings across the country.

The tour will be an opportunity to discuss the progressive international role that a Jeremy Corbyn led Labour government could play. Following Britain’s military involvement in Iraq, Libya and Syria, interventions that continue today spreading chaos and human tragedy across the Middle East, Britain changing its approach to war could be a significant and important shift.

Why the dynamic of Britain’s political situation will pose the need for left unity

28th November 2012 Socialist Action 0

By Jane West

Across Europe, governments of right and left are implementing ‘austerity’ policies. The claim that excessive government debt and ‘unaffordable’ welfare and services require extraordinary cuts in public spending is being used to legitimise the biggest post-1945 assault on the living standards and hard-won rights of the working class in Europe.

Resistance to this assault – through mass actions and by presenting a political and economic alternative – is the most mass task of the class struggle in the continent today.

Student Fightback 2012

13th October 2012 Socialist Action 0

‘Student Fightback 2012’ takes place this coming Saturday, on 13 October at the University College London.

The conference will be a key opportunity for student activists from across the country to come together and plan the next steps in the student fight-back to the Tories, cuts, racism, inequality and war.

Student Fightback 2012

10th October 2012 Socialist Action 0

‘Student Fightback 2012’ takes place this coming Saturday, on 13 October at the University College London.

The conference will be a key opportunity for student activists from across the country to come together and plan the next steps in the student fight-back to the Tories, cuts, racism, inequality and war.