Lobby the TUC Congress: Welfare Not Weapons – No Increase In Military Spending! 18 October

Lobby the TUC Congress
Welfare Not Weapons – No Increase In Military Spending!
12.30pm 18 October
Brighton Conference Centre• Kings Rd, Brighton, BN1 2GR GB

Organised by Stop The War Coalition and CND

For further information visit here

Information from the organisers

Say No to Defending Manufacturing Jobs Motion

This motion calls for “immediate increases in defence spending.” Stop the War believes that this is dangerous and would urge you not to support it.

Any increase in military spending can only come at the expense of public welfare spending which affects all working people. The government is talking of increases in arms spending to 3% of GDP. This would require either a 5% increase in income tax or equivalent spending cuts on a devastating scale. Already, Britain spends more of its wealth on the military than most NATO members.

We believe it is vital that the trade union movement is seen to stand for peace and for the social priorities of the British people. We would therefore urge you not to vote for any motion including a commitment to increases in military spending.