How can we achieve an anti-austerity government? Sat 2 June

How can we achieve an anti-austerity government?
The National People’s Assembly
Saturday 2 June, 10.30am – 6.00pm
St Pancras New Church, Euston Road, London, NW1 2BA


Join the facebook event here.

Join the People’s Assembly Against Austerity to discuss the fight against austerity.

The event will include sessions on the housing crisis, cuts to local government, building solidarity strikes, the links between environmental and social justice, the centrality of defending women against the cuts and why the economy relies on immigrants.

Speakers include: John McDonnell MP | Gary Younge (columnist) | Diane Abbott MP | Danny Dorling (author) | Amelia Womack (Dep Leader Green Party) | Steve Turner (Unite the Union) | Lindsey German (People’s Assembly) | Jonathan Bartley (Leader Green Party) | Sam Fairbairn (People’s Assembly) | Emma Dent Coad MP (Kensington & Chelsea) | Ben Chacko (Morning Star) | Dr Louise Irvine (Health Campaigns Together) | Alex Kenny (National Education Union) | John Rees (People’s Assembly) | Louise Regan (NEU) | & more to be announced

Check the People’s Assembly Against Austerity website for further details.