National March and Rally, Saturday 4 November
Assembly 12noon
at Speaker’s Corner, Marble Arch, London
For the past 100 years Palestinian rights have been disregarded.
As we approach the centenary of the Balfour Declaration – on the 2 November – which built the path for their dispossession, the march is demanding justice and equal rights for the Palestinians now.
Full details: www.palestinecampaign.org
Organised by Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC), Palestinian Forum in Britain (PFB), Friends of Al Aqsa (FOA), Stop the War Coalition (STW), Muslim Association of Britain (MAB).
Supported by Unite the Union, UNISON, National Education Union- NUT Section, GMB, ASLEF, RMT, FBU, UCU, PCS, CWU, Europal Forum, APCUK, Pax Christi, Kairos UK, Friends of Sabeel UK, ICAHD UK, Amos Trust, APCUK.