The Russian Revolution and the black struggle

31st October 2017 Socialist Action 0

By Martin Woodley

1 The lock step of socialist advance and black struggle

Marx identified the class struggle as the locomotive of history. Yet, the struggle between classes as defined by Marx is fundamental but it far from exhausts the types of conflict typical of the modern era. In particular, the struggle of black people for liberation is one of the primary metrics by which it is possible to characterise the twentieth century. How does this titanic struggle relate to the class struggle as defined by Marx, and how should communists understand and relate to the black movement and black consciousness?

Women and October: women’s lives mirrored the arc of the revolution

30th October 2017 Socialist Action 0

By Mary McGregor

The inequality of the two before the law, which is a legacy of previous social conditions, is not the cause but the effect of the economic oppression of women.’ Engels, The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State.

Such was the significance of the October Revolution for women’s lives – most directly in Russia but also internationally (think, for example, of Sylvia Pankhurst – invited to Russia by Lenin in 1918 – and the inspiration the Bolshevik victory lent to her work with working class women in London’s east end, her involvement in the early Communist Party and in the anti-colonial struggle) that it cannot be entirely obliterated from officially permitted history. Hence an exhibition at the British Library records something of the role of women in Russian progressive politics and directly in the Bolshevik struggle. Most importantly, it hints at how women’s social, political and economic position improved or declined along with the arc of the revolutionary process itself.

The economic legacy of October 1917

25th October 2017 Socialist Action 0

By Mark Buckley

The Russian Revolution of October 1917 is an event of world-historic importance. It was the first time in history that the working class and its allies seized political power and held onto it for long enough to impact the entire world in a sustained way.

Japan: Abe’s landslide in seats based on no increase in votes

25th October 2017 Socialist Action 0

By Jude Woodward

Shinzo Abe and his right wing Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) swept to an outright victory in Japan’s snap General Election at the weekend.

His LDP/Komeito Party ruling coalition won over two-thirds – 313 – of the seats in the lower house of the Japanese Parliament. Taken together with the coalition’s existing two-thirds majority in the upper house, the election delivered a ‘super-majority’ for Abe which potentially allows him to take such steps as changing the Japanese constitution without consulting the opposition parties.

Beyond the Backstreet: Fighting for Abortion Rights 50 years on – Sat 28 Oct

24th October 2017 Socialist Action 0

To mark the 50th anniversary of the 1967 Abortion Act, Abortion Rights is organising a day of discussions and workshops and an evening of comedy, poetry and spoken word.

Saturday 28 October at the Rich Mix London
Day Event, 10:30 am – 4 pm
Evening Event, 7 pm – 10 pm

An action packed program brings together activists, journalists, politicians and performers to celebrate the legacy of the life-saving 1967 Abortion Act that dragged abortion out of the dangerous backstreet.