Podemos big winner in Spanish elections

21st December 2015 Socialist Action 0

The outcome of the Spanish general election is unclear as no major party has an overall majority or even an obvious political partner(s) with which it could form one. The poll overall represents a shift to the left, but a shift insufficient to place the anti-austerity forces in government.

Oppose the new wave of Islamophobia

15th December 2015 Socialist Action 0

This article by Sabby Dhalu, outlining the latest wave of Islamophobia unleashed since the ISIS terrorist attack in Paris, was originally published in the Morning Star.

If there were any doubts that racism and Islamophobia follow ISIS terrorist attacks, then the month since the Paris attacks should dispel them.

Notes from the front – of the week 8/12/2015

8th December 2015 Socialist Action 0


Oldham result earns Corbyn a breather – now time to push home the advantage

As the dust settles after the Parliamentary vote on bombing Syria and the outcome of the Oldham by-election, where have these developments left Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership and what are the priorities now?

Boris Johnson’s correct choice on Syria – it is necessary to fight on the side of Assad & Russia against ISIS

7th December 2015 Socialist Action 0

Boris Johnson supported the catastrophic invasion of Iraq, launched by Bush and Blair, which is the cause of the present chaos in the Middle East and the rise of global terrorism it has resulted in. Like the bombing of Libya the Iraq invasion turned previously powerless jihadist terrorists into a powerful force. Above all the people of the Middle East but also those in Paris, San Bernardino, and Mali are paying for that with their lives.