Scottish Independence – why socialists should call for a No vote in the coming referendum

5th February 2013 Socialist Action 0

Scotland will be holding a referendum to decide its constitutional relationship to Britain in September 2014. It is now decided that the referendum will be a straight Yes/No vote on independence, and there will no option of further devolution at this stage.

Given the referendum, it is important that socialists adopt a clear position on how to vote. This article argues that Scottish independence is not currently in the interests of the working class and therefore socialists should call for a No vote in the forthcoming referendum.

The failure of neo-liberalism

4th February 2013 Socialist Action 0

The following article by John Ross sets out the disastrous effects on countries following neo-liberal economic policies – including in Latin America, Europe, and the US. It also analyses the errors in economic theory of neo-liberalism. Its influences also damaged China’s economy in the first half of 2012, but following China’s government boosting state led investment from mid-2012, China’s growth has accelerated again.