6pm – 8pm Thursday 16 August
Old Palace Yard Westminster SW1
Candle lit vigil following the massacre of Sikh worshippers at the Sikh Temple in Wisconsin on 5 August
The event is to unite and show solidarity against hate crimes and pay respects to those that lost their lives, whilst worshipping in a Sikh Gurdwara in Wisconsin, USA. Due to the mindless and hate filled actions of a white supremacist
6 people lost their lives and many have been left injured, and thousands have been left grieving.
Let’s all unite and attend this event to show those affected that we care and that they are in our thoughts and prayers. People from all faiths and backgrounds are invited to attend and show their support.
Event is supported by KhalsaBikers, Sikh Council UK, Seva 84, British Sikh Doctors organisation, United against Fascism, Sikh Sisters for Human Rights.